My name is Abhiman Niimain
A writer is born. Not like an emperor from the blood of an emperor or a priest from the blood of a priest. It is born free from the will of the societies. It is born to follow the leads of his soul with a vision to see the light of truth.
It is free from the bondage of religion, policies, politics, and the order of the societies but bound by the sole duty of service to the living and non-living. Sometime it wages war with its mighty pen, and sometimes It unites the world under the blue sky with love.
A writer is everywhere to see everything as they are. It pen-down all the emotions for us, our family, society, our next generation, and the generations. A writer is everywhere; in you, in me, in them, in air, water, soil, or even in ether. A writer (It) is omnipresent.
Take a look at my work. I hope you like it!